REset Wellness

This guided Detox can give you a fresh start.

6-Day Detox…


Detoxing will reset your system and can have you feeling better in no time.

But Detox plans can be as confusing as they are helpful. How do you know you’re doing it right?

Now, you don’t have to do it alone.

Leigh has selected and tested this 6-day Detox. You’ll get a research-driven program, a modified elimination diet, targeted supplementation, and trusted guidance.

We include a before and after InBody Body Scan to quantify the program’s impact, and we even throw in a Sauna Session to optimize the detox process!

PRICE: $250

(The program is nonrefundable.)

  • Benefits

    • Guided elimination diet
    • Research-driven program
    • Targeted supplementation
    • More energy
    • Longer, more restful sleep
    • Greater focus and memory
    • Healthier looking skin
    •“No-crash” detox

  • Products

    Your 6-Day Detox Micro Kit includes:
    • Probiotic
    • Dietary Supplement
    • GI Support
    • Drainage Elimination
    • Guide Book

    We add: a 30-minute Sauna Session, and before and after Body Scans.

  • Vitamin C Cleanse

    A Vitamin C cleanse increases your concentration of glutathione, which is vital to the detoxification process. As the major antioxidant in your body, glutathione attaches to toxic compounds within the liver to prepare for elimination from the body.
    PRICE: + $50



  • You don’t. Whether you’re already partnering with us or just interested in using this Detox to feel better quick, we’re happy to work with you.

  • It’s common to detox 2 to 4 times per year—as the seasons change—but it really depends on your lifestyle. You can detox more often if you feel the need and your practitioner approves.

  • Call us at 601.374.7411 and we can take your payment and get you all set to get reset.

    Be sure you can commit to the process before you sign up. Your order is nonrefundable.